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Cells Booster
Cells Booster
2020/01/14 16:08:52

2050'S Active Programming Treatment is a highly concentrate for cells boosting and firming. The delicate cell-renewing effect is based on the formulation to boost epidermal cell metabolism. Over-pigmentation, age spots and freckles are gradually lightened. Due to an intensive moisturizing factor, it is very good to visibly firm the facial outline of tired and wrinkle skin. By a hydrodynamic process the special active agent mixture being rich in plant-based vegetal extract the skin is enabled to cohere with water. The skin is slightly "re-upholstered", wrinkles are reduced. The skin is perceptibly smoother, firmer and looks fresh and juvenile.

This specific Cells Booster is recommended for tired, damaged and dry skin. It is also efficient in treatment of cell-renewals. The anti-aging properties provide the nutrients essential to their renewal and balance (mineral salts, amino acids...). As cells use more oxygen, the skin looses its dullness and recovers its radiance and shine.

Apply on face, neck and decollete after cleansing. Tape in softly before 2050'S face cream or mask, leave it for 1 ~ 2 minutes. To have a long lasting effect, it is recommended to use one ampoule everyday for two consecutive weeks, then continue with two ampoules per week.

Condition : Tired, damaged and very dry skin.



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