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2050'S Announcement
2050'S News
2050’S Hong Kong Events (2020-2021)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2016-2019)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2012-2015)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2008-2011)
2050’S International Events (2016-2022)
2050'S International Events (2012-2015)
2050'S International Events (2008-2011)
2050'S Award
2050'S Export
2050'S Amazing Number
What's the Secret in 2050'S
2050'S History & Background
Cell - Aging
Treatment for Who?
What are the Major Concept of 2050'S?
Selling Points of Phoresis Powder
2050'S By U.S.A.
2050'S By U.S.A. Citylight Series
2050'S By U.S.A. CTFA Certificates
2050'S Certificates
2050'S Certificates of Free Sale and Quarantine
2050'S Warning
2050'S China Hygiene Permit
2050'S History & Background

Background of the development of 2050’S

One cannot determine whether an anti-wrinkle, anti-aging beauty care product is of super value by merely looking at the packaging of its outer box and the attractive pretty design of its container, as the most important element constituents inside the container. In fact, every bottle of 2050'S professional beauty care product is manufactured by F.O.C.C., Phytocosma, T-Nature France in Europe and Cosmetics Solution of the United States and produced by strictly controlled production processes under the authority of 2050’S according to specified and approved constituents.

2050'S has created a line of professional skincare treatments that are pure, safe and most particularly effective. 2050'S by U.S.A. is based in Canada but manufactured in Europe and U.S.A. It has taken care of beauty in the most natural way, providing a science of cosmetics that brings together nature and technology.
Contrary to most anti-aging treatment, the 2050'S treatments are all comparatively effective, non-irritating and user friendly, which allows an easy use by most of the beautician.
The beauty origin of 2050'S professional skincare treatment has been always carefully maintained in order to assure the outstanding level of quality and product result. The range and packaging have been totally accepted by the marketers and now the complete professional treatment is now on the international market. In Asia, 2050'S is distributed in 270 selected professional beauty centers during the last 10 years. Since 2003, the company has started to develop the brand abroad including U.S.A., Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Singapore, Macau and Mainland China.

 - In 2000, The business started with the distribution of skincare & treatment products, especially formulated for beauty salons & spa.
 - In 2002~2003, the export activities started.
 - In 2003, the business increased thanks to the expansion of 2050’S by USA, the medical cosmetics.
 - In 2003-9, We expand our business in U.S.A., China, Hong Kong , Macau, Singapore ,Thailand,Malaysia and Indonesia.

2050'S-The Difference is in the number of Age