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2050'S Announcement
2050'S News
2050’S Hong Kong Events (2020-2021)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2016-2019)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2012-2015)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2008-2011)
2050’S International Events (2016-2022)
2050'S International Events (2012-2015)
2050'S International Events (2008-2011)
2050'S Award
2050'S Export
2050'S Amazing Number
What's the Secret in 2050'S
2050'S History & Background
Cell - Aging
Treatment for Who?
What are the Major Concept of 2050'S?
Selling Points of Phoresis Powder
2050'S By U.S.A.
2050'S By U.S.A. Citylight Series
2050'S By U.S.A. CTFA Certificates
2050'S Certificates
2050'S Certificates of Free Sale and Quarantine
2050'S Warning
2050'S China Hygiene Permit
2050'S International Events (2008-2011)

2011 - Malaysia - October
The 11th Presentation of Southeast Asia's Largest Expo and
Trade Platform for Beauty & Therapeutic Professionals.
In Kuala Lumpur.

2011 - China Guangzhou - September - G.M.C.
A big occasion for fortune discussion! out to win!
2011 EXpo beauty 2011EX Exchange conference September 2011

2050'S Flower Mask launch.                                                             G.M.C : A big occasion for fortune discussion, 2011 Expo beauty

2011 - September This exhibition attracted all over China beauty industry to visit and share there experience.

Hong Kong H&C CEO - Mr. Terence Lai is this exhitbition principal speaker. Talk about: "Beauty product trend".

This Exhitbition have good atmosphere.                                            Cecedille's product attract beauty industry inquiries.

Draw and awards ceremony.


2010 - Malaysia Penang Workshop & Dinner Gallery

2010 2050'S Exhibition in Malaysia (Cosmobeaute)


2050'S-The Difference is in the number of Age

2009 2050'S Exhibition in Malaysia (Cosmobeaute)