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2050'S Announcement
2050'S News
2050’S Hong Kong Events (2020-2021)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2016-2019)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2012-2015)
2050'S Hong Kong Events (2008-2011)
2050’S International Events (2016-2022)
2050'S International Events (2012-2015)
2050'S International Events (2008-2011)
2050'S Award
2050'S Export
2050'S Amazing Number
What's the Secret in 2050'S
2050'S History & Background
Cell - Aging
Treatment for Who?
What are the Major Concept of 2050'S?
Selling Points of Phoresis Powder
2050'S By U.S.A.
2050'S By U.S.A. Citylight Series
2050'S By U.S.A. CTFA Certificates
2050'S Certificates
2050'S Certificates of Free Sale and Quarantine
2050'S Warning
2050'S China Hygiene Permit
2050'S Announcement

To whom it may concern

This is state that 2050’S are intended to be used by beauticians and professional beauty consultants, doctors and trained personal during the aesthetic treatment. Therefore 2050’S can be sold only to Beauty Clinics, Beauty Centres, Aesthetic Beauty Care Institutions and Beauty Salon if possible where the products are applied by the above-cited professionals during the treatment.

<Announcement One>

Potential Customer

Hello! Perhaps you
may notice our website content are gradually updated to provide you the first-hand information as soon as possible.

During the process, since we are a growing company,
we involves limited time and manpower that the site can only be updated by phases. Part of the content may mixed up with old and new information. Please noted that the contents is only for reference but not for purchasing decisions. Potential customer should make reference to the shop sales ladies or professional beauticians for details of the product usage. We also advise potential customer to have physical product skin trial for a better understanding of the product. We apology for not providing instant updated service as required. Our technical team sincerely keep updating our website to ensure that you can browse to our brand and product information. For your additional and urgent personal inquiries, please email to hc@tendfame.com. Our team will try to answer in a short time to your personal skin care problems and inquiries. We also continue to listen to your valuable advice!

Finally, wish you
be youth and beautiful!

2050'S Customer service team

<Announcement Two>

We ,2050’S, have never officially granted and/or authorized any local retailer to obtain the right and/or permits to sell and market 2050’S of any kind in the internet, directly or indirectly. Customer is in his/her own risk to make purchase from the internet. We 2050’S will bear no responsibility to any product return nor protection to any un-official purchase other than 2050’S legitimate channels.Should you still have any queries, please kindly visit and e.mail to us :



<Announcement Three>
Customer Notice:
Fraudulent Emails / Websites 

2050’S is not provided any online purchasing service in Southeast Asia (including China, Hong Kong and Macau). 2050’S would never ask for privacy information and bank information through website / online or provide other 2050’S websites. Advertising information shown on this website are only for reference. For any inquiries or questions on 2050’S, please visit our website or contact via email: hc@tendfame.com

<Announcement four>

Apart from French–Made skincare, we, 2050'S, also selling non french-made skincare and accessories for professional salon use as well, please e-mail to us for complete details.

<Announcement five>

At first ,many thanks to our long term 2050'S customers and friends for their continuous support. We are really grateful for having you all accompany us during all the ups and downs in the last few years

With a heavy heart, We at 2050'S group ,under the raw materials supply uncertainty due to war, are most reluctant to announce that part or the mask set are possibly unavailable for sales for the local and Asian market. Anyway, we will update such supply chains information from time to time.Last but not least,thank you all of you so much.wish you all still a happy and healthy life !

Information is subject to update and change without prior notice.